I'm an interactive speaker. Let's start interacting...

Answers to questions you never knew you had

“Mo, if I never grow up, I wanna be just like you.” - 10-year old summer camp camper

Ever had someone laugh

at your plan for the future?

Sucks, doesn’t it?
My “someone” was my high school guidance counselor.
My “plan” was applying to the Air Force Academy.

So what do you do?

Me? I applied to the Air Force Academy anyway.
And wouldn't you know it? I didn’t get in.

What if the dream-mocker is right?

I kept going after my goal. I applied to the Academy the next year and spoiler alert, I was accepted. The longer version is it taught me about perspective, optimism and perseverance. And now, on the other side of nearly 30 years in the Air Force, I’m off into the wild blue yonder charting a course for people who want to laugh, learn and think.

My Values


no one should ever feel alone


see the goodness around you


never stop asking "why"


the best workout   


the joy of making smiles


camaraderie in caring


preparation creates luck


no one likes a gloomy Gus


helping others benefits us

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Thomas A. Edison
Candy, newspaper and vegetable salesman.
Also, America's greatest inventor.


Let's Work Together!

Let's Work Together!

Warning & Disclaimer

Organizations I work with report symptoms including increased productivity, higher job satisfaction, improved camaraderie and generalized mood improvement, with effects lasting longer than 4 hours.

Warning & Disclaimer

Organizations I work with report symptoms including increased productivity, higher job satisfaction, improved camaraderie and generalized mood improvement, with effects lasting longer than 4 hours.


Wanna know what you're getting yourself into?

I mean, I sure would. I want you to check out my process and see if it resonates. I think it's gonna.
Come peep my processThere are methods in the madness