Disrupters of Monotony
Mo & Katy Show!
Unforgettable Experiences
A long-lasting momentary distraction of laughter, poor puns and positivity! Two friends from different worlds who find harmony and humor in the randiculous (random and ridiculous).
How does a straight civilian became best friends with a lesbian in the military?
By discovering the other is their long-lost “weird” twin and together, valuing the power of gratitude, humor and positivity.
It’s not the number of things that make us different, but the strength of the things we have in common.
Celebrate the shared interests. Leverage the differences.
Improve your perspective. Improve our world. May we all find our twin whose weird matches ours.
Strength in shared values.
Whether podcasting, singing songs as written, singing songs as we feel they should be written, or creating products that will never see the light of day, we are your new best friends! Whether we meet while boarding an airplane, standing in line at Starbucks or awkwardly reaching for the same last square of toilet paper, we wanna hang out with you. You’re fun, we’re weird and we wanna pass notes during study hall. We get you. No one else may, but we do.
Randiculous (random-ridiculous) facts about Mo & Katy you never knew you didn’t want to learn:
- Katy prides herself on knowing every state capital. You don't even have to ask, she'll volunteer that info.
- Katy loves fanny packs. No one knows why ... scientists are currently reviewing.
- Mo is starting a Go Fund Me for a bleep budget.
- Mo & Katy are both ordained ... that's right, they can marry YOU! Not like get married TO you, but they could marry you to someone else (so long as they aren't already married) (or you're not already married).
- Mo & Katy sing barbershop music.

Bird Ground Chef EZ Bake
We’re two friends from two different worlds, coming together in harmony for one podcast. We’re random, ridiculous and have been taking humor seriously since 2018.
Correct Me If I’m Wrong Phonetic Alphabet
Hilariously inaccurate phonetic alphabet descriptions when a Civilian Mom tries to communicate with an Air Force Colonel.
Correct Me If I’m Wrong Soccer
Hilariously inaccurate soccer facts (and lots of ’em) from a Civilian Mom (who doesn’t play soccer) trying to play ball with an Air Force Colonel (who LOVES playing soccer).
Correct Me If I’m Wrong Crochet
Hilariously inaccurate facts about crocheting when an Air Force Colonel (who makes knots tying her shoes) spins on about crocheting with a Civilian Mom (who crochets all the time).
Rescue Veterans Sloth Slang
We’re two friends from two different worlds, coming together in harmony for one podcast. We’re random, ridiculous and have been taking humor seriously since 2018.