Laugh, Learn, Lead
Warning & Disclaimer

Laugh • Learn • Think
The Hills Are Alive…
… with the Sound of Improvement
Voting, Laughing and Line-Holding
My Civic Duty Adventure
Leadership by Counterexample
What NOT to do
Wiggle your Fingers and Toes
Or disconnect, slide back and down
Unmarked Helicopter
Trust your gut, make the call.
Forgotten Unforgettable Experiences
Make ’em anyway
The Barbershop Style of Singing
My gateway to happiness
The Invisible Pink Elephant
The best ideas might be the ones we leave behind.
Suicidal Feline
Pills, Paws and Punchlines: Adventures in Feline Pharmacology
Watch her Face
It’s time for new, uniquely imperfect traditions.
New Day New Jet Part II
How I use the pilot’s mantra outside the cockpit.
New Day New Jet Part I
The pilot’s mantra you should try
Serpentine Surprise
Live snakes at the Post Office
Chaos to Clarity
Constructing Our Future
The cold thorn truth is
… we weren’t always so prickly.
Upstaged by a pizza box
Move the box.
Who has the aircraft?
I have the aircraft.
All things Ossai’d…
we can always do better.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
Let’s meet where you are.
The leash you can do…
is be positive.
Get back ten…
and play on!
Where do you keep your basil?
Check the bathroom for ours.
Before you flush …
…take a look!
It’s time to …
Leaning too far forward…
… might leave you bent over
Distrac-would you look at that?!
Find time to focus (even a little)
You didn’t ask
… but you should tell
High Alti-poo
Dropping some levity
Japanese Prayer
Slow down and speak English
Cooperatively Competitive
When losing is also winning
Support System
Who’s Youngstowning you?
Airborne Shrimp
You want an experience with that meal?
Consciously Competent
Rehearse your way out of incompetence.
Mo Pattern Baldness
Your bald spot might be in your blind spot.
Life as a highway
The rules of the road
The player to watch
It isn’t the one everyone else is watching
Mopping up fun
Can adulthood be fun?
Seven minutes on stage
How much time do you take to prepare?
Set your watch for now
Be in the right time zone.
Reflections on reflections
Truths may be closer than they appear.
Eat prey, love
Don’t assume the pike position.
Writing’s on the walls
Take the time to read it.
My First 2 Points in Basketball
… and Dad cheered me on the entire way
Illegal Bathroom Chatter
Busted for talking
Flu Missed
Are you team shot or mist?
Story Play
Can a story save a marriage, a cow and a bladder?
Un Beso Fuerte
Who’s flying the plane?
Plain Misunderstandings
How one vowel changed a conversation
Carl’s Puerto Rican
The importance of ethinic connection
26 miles + 0.2
It’s not the first 26 miles that hurts.
Taking one for the team
My boss is a Jewish carpenter
The religion of humor
Letting go
How do you communicate in the heat of the moment?
Cutting Coupons
Cutting costs …
Chair Flying
Chair flying to prevent failure.
May’s Not Here
Laughing at Alzheimer’s
The Beauty of Art
“Perfect is the enemy of good” – Voltaire
The Air Force Optometrist
The time I unsuccessfully successfully pulled rank. Yes, you read that right.
The Fly and the Poof
Sometimes slowing down is the best way to speed up.
Making Wine
Sometimes taking out the middle man isn’t the tastiest option.
Just Step Over It
Taking that first step
You Gonna Eat That?
The man who did what I asked him to.
You know what happens when you assume? My nieces breezes through TSA pre-check!
Pulling Your Head Out
There’s room for the rest when we pull our head out.
Clarity in baseball
The confusing baseball sign from my room mate.
Freedom of Gratitude Act
Where does gratitude fall in the nature-nurture spectrum?
Waisted Energy
30 inches is a lot of things …
Here’s How it Happened …
I’ve always heard there were three sides to every story: his, hers and the truth (or hers, hers and the truth) (or his, his and the truth).
Your other pilot is a woman
There’s a first time for everything and everyone.
Believe in yourself, follow your goals, and know where the emergency exits are.
Pregnant Chief
Leading with compassion and command and concern.
House Fire
How our quick thinking and response saved our neighbors from a fire they never knew about.
Breathing Good
If you can’t say something nice to someone, talk bad about everyone. Nope, that’s not it. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
Japanese Drag Queen
Asian, gay, female, military retiree, Air Force pilot, spouse, daughter, sister, aunt … aren’t we more than labels?
The Purple Dragon
I recently unearthed a photo that helped me put a past incident into perspective. I offer this story for any who has ever over-inflated an incident without accurate recollection to put it in perspective.
Counsel of Guidance
Have you had an authority figure who helped change the trajectory of your life … by laughing at your dreams and goals? I owe a lot to my high school guidance counselor and his lack...
File this under M … for Miscellaneous
I’m the model sucker for any planner app, binder or technique. What I’ve ended up with is some bastardized amalgamation of all the systems, but it works for me. I’ve only recently realized that bastardly...
Holding Mom’s Hand – My Proudest Moment
Unsolicited parenting advice, from a childless woman. I’m at the mailroom on post to feed the unemployed carrier pigeons in my message box. It’s lonely as an Air Force officer assigned to an Army Post,...
Strum Strum Sticker
Power through, even if you don’t wanna.
The Currency of Trust
Face assaults on your reputation with humility and grace.
The Lessons Learned From Stalling
When we grip too hard, we stall our life.